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Thursday, March 18, 2010



Simulation is a computerized model of a real or imagined system that is designed to teach how the system works according to Roblyer.D.M.(2006,p. 88).

Main Types of Simulation.

. Those that Teach about something.
. Physical and Iterative.

. Those that Teach how to do something.
. Procedural and Situational.

Benefits of Simulation
. Compress time or slow down processes.
. Get students involved.
. Make experiments safe.
. Allow repetitons with variations.
. Allows for observation of complex processes.

Limitions and Problems Related to Simulation.

. Accuracy of models.
. Misuse of simulations.

Criteria for Selection Good Simulations

. Realistic and accurate representation of a system.
. Good docimentation to explain systems characteristics and uses.

Use of Simulation in Teaching

. As supplements to lab experiments.
. Supplements to field trips.
. Introduction or clarification of a new topic.
. Ecouraging cooperation and group work.

As a teacher I would use simulation software because it mimics realistic and accurate representations of natural processes. it can be used to futher help a teacher in the classroom.It helps with problem solving and promotes group work which is one characteristics of constructivsim, also scaffolding between students who are more knowledgeable than others. examples of simulation software programs are Sims city 3000,Virtual labs: Electricity and Oregon trail.